Sign up online

To sign up a family, sign up each person separately — Registration form as paper copy to print — In case of a change after your registration, please send an email — Don’t hesitate to contact usRead in English


Last name *
First name *
Gender female ,    male ,    other
Date and place of birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
Age category adult ,    baby,.     child and teenager,
person with modest resources: student, young, unemployed ... ½ fare
Address (second line)
Post code and town
Home and mobile number * with country code
Email address *


Choose an available period.
At the indicated arrival date, arrive before the evening meal. At the departure date, leave in the morning or after the midday meal
21 - 28 October 2024 : Choral singing with Interkant (7 days)
21 - 30 October 2024: AŬTUNAS (9 days)
18 - 27 April 2025: PRINTEMPaS, exam (9 days)

21 - 26 April 2024 : Choral singing, Esperanto Hiking
9 - 13 May 2018 : Vegan meeting (4-5 days)
1 Mai - 31 June 2015 : non esperanto
30 June - 5 July 2024: Green Week of Naturism (5 nights)
5 - 15 July 2024: Marathon Esp. course, IEK (10 nights)
15 - 25 July 2024: Reciprocal exchanges of knowledge (7-10 nights)
9 - 16 August 2024: Festive week for children and Someras (7 nights)
15 - 21 July 2018: Sightseeing tours (6 days) with a specific price
13 - 20 August 2021 : FESTetO venas (7 nights)
27 August - 1 September 2023: Esperanto study session (4-5 nights)
14 - 17 October 2022: Dance workshop (1-2 nights)
17 - 24 October 2022 : cycling and hiking, Eo class (7 days)
21 - 23 October 2022 : EDE post-Summer Universitiy
28 December 2020 - 2 January 2021 : End of year party (2-5 days)
31 December 2020: New Year’s Eve (1 evening)

Sign up to a programme Course, exam (10 € per day, reduced ½)   
Activities, course, congress, meeting (10 € per day, reduced ½)
A specific activity of 1-2 hours (5 € per day)
I will not be participating in any activity
Chosen course
Note the name of the teacher or the level of the course
Registration for an exam I want to take part in the exam, I will register under
I do not take part in the exam
I do not know yet, I may register (before the deadline)
Chosen activities (note their names)
My contribution to the programme


Desired accommodation:
Basic daily price per person, children ½ tarrif, babies free.
Bed linen included for a stay of ≥6 days, otherwise 6 € hire per person . Bring towels, otherwise 5 € hire.
Will be added 20% for winter cost.
big single room for 1 person or wheelchair room (38 €)
single room (27 €)
twin room (single beds) (19 €)
twin room (double bed) (19 €)
room with 3 to 5 beds (14 €)
room ’flexibility’ (dormitory etc.) (9 €)
camping (5 €)
camping with electricity 230V (7 €)

no overnight stay
NB: According to the sanitary rules valid on the date of your stay, perhaps only people from the same family, couple or household can sleep in a given room.

Date, time of arrival (mm-dd hh) *
Date, time of departure (mm-dd hh) *
Number of nights  0, 1, 2, ...
I eat 3 meals a day vegetarian (25 €, reduced ½, babies free)
with meat and all food (25 €, reduced ½, babies free) - New Year’s feast included (+30 €)
only the New Year’s feast (45 €)

no meals
First meal after arrival lunch ,    dinner ,    breakfast ,    I do not know
Last meal before departure dinner ,    breakfast ,    lunch ,    I do not know
I am interested in cooking / household help no       yes, ca. 1 hour per day 
I come to Grésillon by ... ... by private car and I agree to carpool other people
... by private car but I can not carpool other people
... by public transport and I specify below date, time, place
Suggest a train/bus and the possibility of carpooling
I do not know for now, I will take care later
Details about my arrival by bus/train
Note date, time, place of arrival and departure
Remarks, requests, questions
snoring, EHS, medical prescription for diet ...

PRICE according to your choices --- *

Price according to the day rate
All inclusive package (-5%) € for a complete stay with classes of at least ? days
All inclusive package+ (-10 %) € if payment of deposit at least ? days before the full stay
Nota bene: Your payment allows Gresillon to organize traineeships and to maintain the buildings. Gresillon is a non-profit organization and operates mostly with volunteers. To keep prices reasonable, each trainee has to help a little for meals and household. By signing up, you agree to participate from time to time in the daily tasks.
Nota bene: With your registration you agree that your name and a group photo can be displayed on our website, otherwise please contact us.
For people in financial difficulty, please contact us to find a solution.

I will pay by
bank transfer (free in the euro zone,
owner: Maison Culturelle Esperanto
I.B.A.N: FR16 2004 1010 1101 4853 9P03 213
bank address : La Banque Postale, centre financier, 44900 NANTES cedex 9
Please enter "course" and your name as your payment reference. (RIB)
UEA account "gres-y" with indication "stagho"
Paypal account (You must either pay the paypal commission yourself or increase the amount to pay by 4%.)
Means of payment in France :
french check payable to “MCE Gresillon”, to post to
MCE / Schumann, Maison Culturelle de l’Espéranto, 1310 Route du Lude, Grésillon, 49150 BAUGÉ-EN-ANJOU, France
holidays check of the french ANCV
family vacation assistance from the French family fund in Maine-et-Loire VACAF-AVEL
No payment or another method of payment
Amount paid now : € *
Minimum payment at registration : 100 €
After confirmation, please pay the full sum of your stay if possible, this facilitates the work of the organisers and the treasurer. If you wish, your check will then be cashed only after the course.


Where did you see the first information on this meeting, in which club, site or newsgroup, in which journal, email, mailing list, Facebook page or Twitter ...?
Spam check: Please type the four digits of the current year!
If all goes well, click on the button below, or hit the Enter key, this will send us the information of your registration and close this form.
If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your online registration within 3 days (computer problem at registration), please call or e-mail us:, +33-
I hereby agree to respect the sanitary protocol, to read the evacuation procedure (displayed in all exits), to smoke only outside, to use internet access according to the Hadopi law. Without derogation, animals are prohibited inside the buildings. Dogs must be kept on a leash; its owner must ensure cleanliness and non-dangerousness.